
Inspired by @dom2d's silent puzzles, these self-contained puzzles should be solvable without writing anything down or looking anything up. If an answer is required, it usually relates to the design of the puzzle in some way.

Please send feedback via @andrew_hick.

013 puzzle like it's 1999

4 letters on different faces of a cube, to be read in the right order

012 time lines

Clock face with sequenced times giving the answer

011 slant right

3 letters made from lines slanting right

010 square circuit

Achievement unlocked! 10 puzzles.

Letters connected by an electric wire

009 light cubes

Yellow cubes collected by lines. The answer is given by looking at the single, double then triple lines.

008 ball

Various objects. The answer is the one that the 8 balls are pointing to.

007 cloud cubes

Cubes with letters and symbols. The unobscured cubes give the answer

006 six sided

Jumbled letters where the ones made of hexagons form the answer

005 message from above

Four letters split into tiles viewable from above

004 frictionless penguin

Frictionless penguin maze

003 isometric cheese maze

3D maze containing cheese

002 dice letters

Find letters matching dice pattern

001 puzzle the first

Jumbled 3D letters where the ones facing left give the answer